Free Dulcimer Celtic Tabs/Sheet Music

We’ve compiled a list of free dulcimer Celtic tabs and Celtic dulcimer sheet music. Let us know if we’re missing a Celtic dulcimer tab you’d like!

Looking for more dulcimer Celtic tabs? Check out the 70-song Dulcimer Songbook or visit our page of over 1,000 dulcimer tabs. We have one of the largest sources of free dulcimer tabs on the internet.

A – Dulcimer Celtic Tabs

Annie Laurie


Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms
Blackest Crow
Bonnie Dundee


Comin’ Through the Rye


Farewell to Tarwathie
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton


Loch Lomond dulcimer tab: Version 1, Version 2


Maggie in the Woods
Moran’s Return
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean


Old Rosin, the Beau


Rickett’s Hornpie
Rights of Man
Rosin the Beau


Scotland the Brave High
Si Bheag Si Mhor
Skye Boat Song
Soldier’s Joy
St. Anne’s Reel


The Blue Bells of Scotland for Mountain Dulcimer
The Keel Row
The Leaving of Liverpool
The Parting Glass dulcimer tab: Version 1, Version 2
The Rose of Allendale
The Star of the County Down
The Water is Wide
The Wearing of the Green


Whiskey Before Breakfast
Wind That Shakes the Barley


Ye Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon

End of Our Free Dulcimer Celtic Tabs and Sheet Music

Thanks for checking out our list of free dulcimer Celtic tabs and sheet music! We hope you were able to find a song you like and could jam out to.

Although the dulcimer has no direct origins in either Scotland or Ireland, the mountain dulcimer was created by Scottish and Irish pioneers settling in the Appalachian area of North America. Because of that, Celtic music has always had a strong tie with the dulcimer’s roots.

Maybe you’ve heard a couple of Irish songs with a dulcimer in the background. If you weren’t really enjoying our Celtic tabs and sheet music, then no worries. We have plenty more free tabs and sheet music to check out.

If you’d like to view a list of all the free tabs and sheet music we’ve compiled, check out our All Tabs page where we have hundreds of free dulcimer tabs for download. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from